The Canasta of 3 Black and 3 Red is a classic. Get rid of the 3 blacks before someone hits, and find the 3 reds and canasta to earn many points.Very similar to the hole, the 3p3v canasta is played with 4 players in pairs. Each player is dealt 13 cards at the start of the game, and each pair must join their cards in sequences and broken cracks. Games with more than 7 cards are called Canastras, which are worth 100 points if they have jokers and 200 points plus 100 points for each card plus 7 if they dont (for example, a clean 9-card canasta is worth 400 points (200 + 100 * (9-7)).The jokers serve like any card in the game. In the game, cards of value 2 are joker and have the option of 4 additional jokers.The game goes up to 4000 points, and when you and your pair have two thousand points or more, at the beginning of each round the table gets locked, and to release it you must download games totaling 150 points or more.You can only take discard cards by creating new games or by placing them in pre-existing games. When using the discard card, all discard cards are added to your hand.Every 3 black on your hand is worth 100 points to the opponent, while every 3 red on the table is worth 100 points IF you have any canasta made.Card Score:A = 15,4,5,6,7 = 5,8, 9, 10, J, Q, K = 10,2 and Coringão = 50.Game Points:Clean Canasta = 200 + 100 for each additional card;Dirty Canasta = 100;Knock = 100;3 Red with canasta = 100;3 Black in hand = 100 (pro opponent);Good games!